OCC Staking Guide
This page describes the step-by-step process for utilising our launchpad to buy, stake, and claim both OCC and project tokens through the OccamRazer staking smart contract and other reward mechanisms.
Before we begin, a note must be made. Several ways for obtaining rewards exist either within the Occam.fi ecosystem or indirectly through third party exchanges. We will further develop them in a series of corresponding articles. We define five main ways:
Uniswap OCC DEX pool
Uniswap liquidity mining (requires staking of Uniswap liquidity tokens),
OccamRazer Rewards
OccamRazer Pool Rebates (requires pool participation, staked OCC is required to gain access to private pools),
Continuous Ecosystem Diversification (CED) (requires staking of OCC),
Unstaking penalty redistribution (requires staking of OCC),
OCC Staking.
Please see each article separately to learn the specifics of each rewards mechanism, and follow us on our social media channels to get updates. Within the realm of OCC staking in the Occam.fi ecosystem, some details are worth diving into more detail on.
Staking limits
OccamRazer is not based on tiers, so there is no minimum amount for OCC staking on a general basis, and non-stakers will still have the possibility to participate in certain -public- IDOs.
Projects carrying out IDOs on OccamRazer might select a special type of -private- IDO, that requires a higher minimum OCC amount in order to participate.
Similarly to the minimum requirement, there is not a maximum amount of OCC that can be staked. Larger stakes will naturally result in higher assigned pro-rata based rewards.
OCC Staking Incentives
The incentive structure for staking takes several forms. These include:
Private pools access. OCC staking will provide the opportunity (assuming a certain number of tokens are staked) to participate in usually oversubscribed pools (initially the cutoff will be 75 OCC, but the amount is subject to change at every IDO),
Continuous Ecosystem Diversification (CED). Receiving a pro-rata allocation of IDO tokens for projects that have achieved ProjectX status will serve as an additional motivation. The distribution amount is calculated on a pro-rata basis - i.e. the more you have staked, the more you will get. The minimum required stake amount depends on the price of OCC and the date and time at which the pool will be activated. This amount should be equivalent to US$2,000 in OCC. We will set and announce in advance the total amount of OCC required for CED before every IDO. In our deFIRE IDO for example, a minimum of 150 staked OCC were needed to benefit from CED rewards.
The ability to participate in the AutoInvest program, Occam.fi’s innovative feature that will be implemented and discussed in detail at a later date,
Cast out fee redistribution.
Once a user decides to unstake a partial (or total) amount, they incur a fee that will be distributed among the remaining stakers, providing an additional incentive for long-term staking. The cast-out fee was initially determined by a community poll to be 4% for the May epoch, but will continue to be evaluated and decided by the community going forward.
The mechanics by how it will be determined will be based on the weighted average of the possible poll answers b)-e) as long as a) has less votes than any of b)-e), otherwise we will apply weighted average calculation for a)-e).
Community poll example:
a) 0%
b) 1.5%
c) 3%
d) 6%
e) 10%
Additionally, collected cast-out fees will be distributed on a second-by-second pro rata basis to the next epoch OCC stakers. This will eliminate incentives to take advantage on different cast-out fees (%) and time-value weighted staked OCC during epochs, thereby smoothening the total amount of staked OCC at any moment.
By example, take a total of 648,000 OCC collected during the previous epoch, and that the next epoch has 30 days in it. The amount that will be distributed per second in a pro rata basis will be equal to:
648,000 OCC / (60s * 60m * 24h * 30d) = 648,000 / 2,592,000 = 0.25 OCC/second.
What are Continuous Ecosystem Diversification (CED) rewards?
Continuous Ecosystem Diversification (CED) is a rewards scheme that OCC token holders gain access to when they stake >150 OCC tokens. CED rewards are distributed as tokens of projects launching through an IDO on OccamRazer if they meet certain criteria. Projects eligible for CED rewards must be high quality - we call these 'verified' projects.
For example, let’s say a project called “CardanoStartup” launches through an IDO on OccamRazer. Their token is called CSUP. They are a high quality project with a good team and use case, and therefore they gain ‘verified’ status and become eligible for CED. They launch their IDO on OccamRazer, and make 20,000 of their CSUP token available to be distributed as CED rewards.
Once CardanoStarup’s IDO finishes, everyone with >150 OCC staked will get a CED reward paid in CSUP (the hypothetical token of the IDO), as long as they had their OCC staked at before the deadline—usually at least 7 days before the IDO begins. These will be distributed pro-rata from the 20,000 CSUP available for CED rewards. Even if those staking >150 OCC before the deadline do not participate in the CardanoStartup IDO, they would still receive CED rewards. If a pool requires KYC to participate, the CED rewards will still be distributed to those staking >150 OCC even if they do not pass KYC. These rewards will be available to claim around 2 weeks after the end of the IDO, to give time for the team to distribute rewards.
CED rewards are distributed on a pro-rata basis according to a user’s OCC stake. Simply, the more OCC you stake, the greater the portion of the tokens available as CED rewards you will get—each verified project decides how many tokens they make available for CED. This is not decided by Occam.fi.
CED isn't related to guaranteed access to an IDO pool—however, if you have at least 150 OCC staked for CED rewards, this also counts towards the amount of OCC stake required to enter a private pool (e.g. 75 OCC). CED is not it's own token, you will get tokens from the projects launching CED-approved IDOs on OccamRazer. Most projects will require you to stake >150 OCC for a certain period of time before the IDO starts in order to be eligible for CED rewards (Usually 7 days).
CED rewards are claimed after a pool has ended. This distribution process may take up to two weeks and is dependent on the verified IDO project's team. Once distributed by the verified IDO project's team, CED rewards will be available to claim through the OccamRazer staking portal.
Naturally, CED rewards are only available after a verified IDO has concluded, so there are no CED rewards available before an IDO starts.
There are plans to show your estimated CED rewards natively in the OccamRazer launchpad alongside verified projects, this will let you calculate the value of your rewards. You can claim your CED rewards at any time after the IDO has concluded and the two week waiting period has elapsed, this means you can wait until there is a cost-effective time when gas fees are low. You may hold, trade, or sell any tokens received through CED.
CED is a totally new and novel token mechanism that essentially rewards long-term staking participants with a steady stream of IDO project tokens, as long as they continue to stake over 150 OCC in the set time before the IDO starts. We are very excited about the long-term economic rewards of this feature.
Differences among yield-generating strategies
It is paramount to understand the way each strategy provides value in itself, as well as how they are linked with each other. In the case of Uniswap Liquidity Mining, token staking is not the same as OccamRazer Rebate rewards or OCC staking within the Occam ecosystem. Uniswap liquidity providers are compensated with OCC for helping maintain the OCC-USDC pool with adequate liquidity, whereas OCC staking within the Occam ecosystem provides access to the benefits and incentives explained above. OccamRazer pool rebates incentivizes participation through the distribution of OCC tokens to pool participants on a pro-rata basis (See link above). We will develop other relationships in coming articles.
The Step-by-Step Guide to Staking OCC on OccamRazer
This next guide is especially designed to explain the OCC staking process. Please see our FAQ for further questions regarding this, and make sure to follow us on our socials where we will make announcements regarding project selection, IDO’s, feature description, and more.
Staking process
Inside the new OccamRazer site, at the top you will find two access points, one for general information, an “About” section that contain links to our main page, FAQ, and IDO application form, and another one for engaging within the OccamRazer ecosystem, called “OCC Panel”. This will include Staking, Razer Rewards and Liquidity Mining functionality.
Before deciding to stake OCC within the ecosystem, you must first own the token. A direct link to Uniswap OCC-USDC pool will be available under the “Buy OCC” button next to the connected wallet, and will automatically redirect the user in order to facilitate the trading of the OCC token.
2. Select the Staking label. The site (if connected to your Metamask wallet) will display both Wallet and Staking OCC balance.
Even though there is no minimum of OCC tokens that can be staked, we recommend participants to carry out due diligence on potential costs and benefits, weighting network fees (especially while dealing on Ethereum) and staking rewards (low staking amounts may not open eligibility for ProjectX token claims). The transaction cost caveat will most likely diminish in importance or even become inconsequential altogether when deployment on Cardano mainnet is available.
3. Under Wallet Balance, the “Approve OCC for staking” button will be available only if its balance is higher than zero. Once the transaction has been approved in Metamask, the tokens will be added to the staking pool and start accumulating rewards.
4. Approve OCC for staking. Before approving the transaction on your Metamask wallet, you must first approve the interaction with the smart contract, granting permission to OccamRazer to spend OCC and automate transactions.
5. Approve transaction on Metamask wallet. After granting permission to the smart contract, the (staking) transaction must be approved as well. This will cost gas.
Claiming staking rewards
Both CED and OCC tokens will be available to claim at any time, letting the user decide the best time depending on personal preference.
Cast Out - Unstaking of OCC tokens
After deciding to unstake the OCC tokens, you need to head to your Staking tab and select “Unstake OCC”
Note: Please bear in mind that unstaking your OCC tokens will result in a small Cast Out fee 4% which is distributed among the remaining stakers on a pro-rata basis. This characteristic was built in order to provide another layer of incentives for long term adoption of the Occam.fi ecosystem. You can read more about this functionality here.
Last updated
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